Revolutionizing Net Zero Strategies

Published on Monday, 24 April 2023
businessmen, innovation, revolutionary, technology, net zero, sustainability, decarbonization, emission forecast, strategy

As climate change becomes an increasingly pressing issue, many large companies are now striving to achieve net-zero emissions. However, this is not an easy feat, as it requires balancing sustainability practices with continued growth. Novatech NESSi® is an AI-powered emission prediction tool that revolutionizes how large companies work towards net zero.

The power behind Novatech NESSi® lies in its cutting-edge AI technology. By analyzing vast amounts of historical data on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, its AI algorithms generate accurate forecasts that help companies make data-driven decisions on reducing emissions and optimizing energy efficiency. This enables large companies to make significant progress towards achieving their net-zero emissions goals while continuing to grow their business.

NESSi's role in helping companies achieve net zero

But how exactly does Novatech NESSi® achieve this? First, let's take a closer look at some of the AI technologies it employs:

Novatech NESSi® is a game-changer for large companies striving to achieve net-zero emissions. By utilizing cutting-edge AI technology, it enables companies to make data-driven decisions that help them reduce emissions and optimize energy efficiency while continuing to grow their business.

How can we help you?

Contact us to discuss how we can help your company eliminate emissions. 

Phone: +47 402 01 487

Sverdrups gate 27
4007 Stavanger, Norway
Org. nr: 929 484 673
